Friday, June 22, 2007

Kickin Off

Hi folks,

The Center for the Disabled in Albany threw a massive kickoff event for our trip yesterday morning. Over one hundred people lined the center's parking lot to cheer us on and offer words of encouragement for our upcoming journey. The story was captured by three news stations, and Tatar's smiling face was interviewed for the Capital District to see.

Many of the kids at the Center made signs with words of encouragement and "good luck cards." We plan to take several of these cards on the road this summer, and use them for encouragement when times get tough. The excitement everyone brought to the kickoff will be recollected and used as motivation when the hills get steep, the blisters get sore, and the southern heat becomes too hot to handle.

The response to our efforts is incredible. We've been in contact with many parents and organizations over the last few days as we network in the cities through which we are skating. It is amazing how committed these parents are towards improving the lives of their children....It's an honor for us to be able to work with so many committed parents.

This blog is going to get real interesting....real soon.

Dan T. and Carson S.

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