Monday, June 25, 2007

What the boys packed!

Hello from the command center.

Are you wondering what the boys packed with them for this 54 day adventure?

Well, living on the road is no easy feat! And with four full-grown boys there was not too much extra room in the mini-van, which was kindly donated by Enterprise. They each packed a range of clothing specific to the hot Southern climate, including tee-shirts, sport shorts, hats, and many, many pairs of socks. They also packed clothing for guest appearances on television and for their meetings with different autistic societies up the Eastern coast.

They have every color of Gatorade known to man in their van as well. Each boy picked a favorite energy drink or bar to bring with them, and they also snuck some favorite foods in as well! I think I saw some carb-loaded cookies which will surely help them have calories to burn-off on their strenuous route each day. Along with their food, they are well stocked with water supplies and medical supplies. They have hundreds of bandaids and some large ice packs. Their athletic trainer also stuffed a bag full of wraps and blister-prevention cream! There was some room left in the van for a couple of sleeping bags (just in case) and a fancy laptop system.

As for their personal items, the report is that Dan Tatar brought an ipod that shows videos; Sean Streich snuck his favorite stuffed animal into his bag (his "cuddle bear"); Carson Strang packed stacks of library books; and, Jason Ortolano brought along a few Red Sox good luck charms for the road.

More details are to come!

From Massachusetts,
Lauren F.

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