Monday, July 2, 2007

Savannah Day One

Hi Friends,

Before reading this blog, please read yesterday's posting by Sean....

Yesterday's dog races were certainly eventful. I am the first to confess that I am the slowest skater among the four, and therefore, probably the easiest feast for a hungry pit bull. However, Sean noted that by the end of the day, it seemed interesting to him that the other boys were all sprinting frantically and I seemed to remain cool while being chased by the dogs. Well, to clear things up, unlike the other four skaters, I am not scared of miniature poodles. While the first dog certainly was viscous and probably hungry for "rollerblader," the miniature poodle that chased us across the finish line was friendly, playful, and cuddly. I was behind everyone not because I am a slow skater, but because I stayed behind to pet the nice puppy.

We arrived at Savannah early this morning to appear on Fox's morning show, "am Awake." Carson and I sat in the living room looking set fielding questions from the morning show anchor, Trish with Sean and Orto watching from the station's waiting room.

We next headed to Savannah's Jewish Center to play floor hockey with a group of campers. Orto and I captained the "Sharks" along with six teammates, and Sean and Carson played for the "Cougars." After a hard played game, the sharks prevailed by a goal. A great time was had by all.

Our last stop of the day was at Smooth Smoothie Shop in downtown Savannah. Lynne Javetz organized the event, and it gave us the opportunity to meet several local families impacted by autism. These events are always special, as it gives us the chance to speak with the kids, parents, and siblings of individuals from each area impacted by Autism. A big thank you to Susan from Smooth for putting on the event. If you're from the Savannah area, make sure to check out her place on Wright Square.

Heading out for a bit...

Dan T.


Pierce McInytre said...

Dan, It was nice that you took the time to pet the little puppy on your busy skate.
If the other guys are scared of a pup, you might want to warn them that there will also be spiders and lizards on this trip, too.

They may want to carry a rolled up newspaper with them at all times - just in case!


lynnjavetz said...

Hi Guys!
Just a quick note to wish you well as you head into the Carolina's. It was so nice to meet you all! You are an amazing group of sweet, funny, not to mention- good looking guys!!! We wish that we could have done more for you during your stay in Savannah but, let's just say that moving a family of 5 in the sweltering heat has been a bigger beast than anticipated! We will be keeping up with you in the coming weeks throught the blog. Wishing you a safe, smooth & dog-free journey :)

Keep up the AWESOME work and don't be afraid to pull out the pepper spray...
Lynn, Jay, Andrew & Sarah Lily Javetz