Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today, aside from the 8 or 9 Doberman Pinschers that Dan and I thought were going to chase us followed closely by the three German Shepherds sitting in front of the house across the street, the skate was relatively uneventful. It wasn't a terribly hot afternoon, but the humidity was very high again today. We got our first taste of the rolling hills of North Carolina today. Though they were no extreme mountains to overcome, but the steady inclines proved to be difficult nonetheless as our pace (Dan and my own especially) slacked off tremendously. Today's skate carried us through the backroads between Wilington and Elizabethtown, North Carolina and they were relatively easy to skate on with little traffic. Dan and I also managed to skate by a vicious looking fowl eating a snake carcass and startled us both because we originally thought it was nothing more than trash on the side of the road.

We pounded out 35 miles on the pavement today and finished this sunday with a "cheat day" on the diet. Not having eaten much today, the guys opted for a much-needed MacDonalds meal while I chose to walk up the street to the local Italian restaurant and ate a delicious grilled chicken sandwich instead. We are now relaxing around the hotel, working out a bit (abs, push ups, etc.), and going to watch a movie for the evening and go to bed soon. I have to go shower up now, but we'll catch up with everyone tomorrow. We would like to thank everybody for their support thus far and hope people continue their support throughout the remainder of our adventure.

Jason O.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

Just a quick Hello from Savannah :) Glad to hear that you have now crossed 4 state lines with no major incidents. Hopefully the NC pinchers are nicer than the GA Pitt bulls! Stay well & blister free...

Lynn, Jay, Andrew & Sarah Lily Javetz

Anonymous said...

Cheat days hey, just like back in schenectady. Glad to see you guys are keeping the tradition alive on the road. Love you all.